To sell more in the App Store - 4 parts of a successful App Description

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , | Posted on 19:34

How do you describe your iPhone app in the App Store is possible or break the sale. You have to say in a short time your customers exactly what they do on the purchase value now. Learn how to make a description of success that will help increase sales of your application, with the same suggestions that can write to the developer.

Came a copywriter, giving a convincing increase in sales. You need to know only the four parts of a description of success in AppStore. Use these as building blocks, as you write

1. Headline

The first two things that many people want to know a question, "What?" and "what to do?". The title of your summarize the most important parts of your application and to arouse someone's interest so that to find out more.

2. Awards and Citations

Help your app stand out from the crowd through the show, which makes it popular and time. The best way to do this is with the quotesand reviews by real users.

3. Benefits

People want to contribute to an application to ensure that their life becomes a little 'easier to buy. Your task is to indicate clearly what is your question for them to do: Get organized? Saving time? Meet new people? Make it absolutely clear how your application will help customers benefit from the list of most powerful.

4. Call for Action

End your description with the matter, your customers, the next step and take advantage of downloading or buying your application.Although you might think, of course, an invitation to act as "buy this app today!" can help increase sales, because it makes clear what you would do your customers.

Giving a clear and convincing that one of the most important tasks you need to do is to sell iPhone applications, then use these building blocks and write something that the application will make a best seller.

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